Here at Kiambram Country Cottages we are committed to sustainability and operating in a way that positively impacts the environment around us. If we look after the land it will look after us.
From our bush tucker walk that is filled with indigenous plants, to cohabitating with the local fauna we endeavour to maintain and even return the native bush to it's roots. Water tanks, vegetable gardens, chickens and locally sourced products keep our footprint to a minimum and our goal is to further grow our off-grid energy and water resources in the future.

We are more than just an accommodation option for your next trip to the Darling Downs.
We are dedicated to running as an eco-friendly, sustainable business.
That's why we're incredibly proud to be recognised as an ecoBiz Star Partner and excited to continue our growth in this area!
ecoBiz is a free program funded by the Queensland Government to support businesses improve their energy, water and waste efficiency.
We hope to commence our Eco Tourism Australia certification in 2024 and have a substantial solar system offsetting our electricity use by then, however lots of little things we already do add up to caring for our earth now.
A few of our practices and choices are noted below:
The Macadamia Oil for our super sensitive skin guest soap comes from just past the Bunya Mountains at Kingaroy. We are fortunate to have the supplier of export quality soaps to DFAT (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade), Von-Katz Soaps & Gift Baskets operate locally and able to provide us small custom made batches stamped with the Kiambram "K".
Other unpackaged toiletries and foods are topped up by Source Bulk Foods, Toowoomba like the Olive Oil from Goondiwindi in our mini-pantries for guest convenience. Our to-die-for Honey is made by Cooby Dam bees.
The recycled repurposed bathtubs in the paddocks are designed for animal safety and convenience being topped up automatically with bore water pumped by solar power to the top of the hill and then gravity fed back down to the troughs and also available for gardens. Wallaby tracks can be seen leading to the troughs which also water and bathe birds and insects as well as housing native tadpoles.
Limiting the amount of packaging supplied to guests, limits the sorting and trips to the dump or recyclers for us and helps the environment. We ask guests to be mindful of any rubbish they bring onto site. Our worm farm and chickens take care of vegetable scraps left in the kitchenette scrap buckets.
Kiambram's wastewater is treated by an Advanced Enviro-Septic system which is environmentally safe and can handle the fluctuating loads of tourism without the use of electricity or chemicals.
We keep varying heights and stages of grasses around the property for birds and small mammals to feed and have cover. Farm animals have access to grass and browse according to their needs but in keeping with fire and environmental management first.